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Verwende die Notion-KI, um Teams ein perfektes ausgelagertes Gedächtnis zu geben und Zeit zu sparen
Ganz gleich, ob du Kund/-innen, Interessent/-innen, interne Supportanfragen oder sogar neue Mitarbeitende betreust, alle müssen Zugriff auf die Informationen in deinem Wiki haben. Erfahre, wie die Notion-KI deinen Teammitgliedern helfen kann, schneller zu finden, was sie brauchen.
Fördere eine dokumentenorientierte Kultur mit einem professionellen, datenbankgestützten Team-Wiki
Eine veraltete Dokumentation führt zu unnötigem Chaos bei der Arbeit. Wenn du das gesamte Know-how deines Teams in ein Wiki umwandelst, kannst du Seiten verifizieren, Verantwortliche zuweisen und sicherstellen, dass der Wissensstand deines Teams immer aktuell ist.
Structure your sidebar for more focused work with teamspaces
A cluttered work tool, with endless lists of files and a lack of structure, will lead to cluttered thoughts. When you begin your working day, you want to settle in as smoothly as possible, and teamspaces can help you carve out a path through the company workspace straight to the information you need most.
Creating a knowledge hub by organizing docs for large teams
Discover how to streamline your team's workflow with our Notion guide. This tutorial video will teach you how to effectively organize your team's documentation and wikis, making it an ideal resource for large teams aiming to enhance their collaboration.
Build a team wiki in Notion
Whether you share an office or not, it's important to have a central place where your team can find important information about the company - from benefits and vacation policy, to tribal knowledge specific to one team. We'll show you how to build a team wiki from scratch, and a few best practices along the way.
Show your team how to organize, track and manage work in Notion
You use Notion to manage your personal life. So, wouldn’t it be great to get your whole team on board with your favorite tool and build a company workspace to organize information and track your work? Here’s how you take what you’ve built in your personal space as inspiration for your company workspace.