Perfecciona tus habilidades y explora nuevas maneras de usar Notion.

Usa la IA de Notion para escribir notas y documentos más eficientes
Aprovecha las capacidades de la IA de Notion para pensar a lo grande, trabajar más rápido e impulsar tu creatividad. Descubre cómo usar la IA de Notion para transformar texto, automatizar tareas sencillas y generar nuevo contenido en tu espacio de trabajo conectado.
Las mejores maneras de usar tablas simples en tus páginas de Notion (y cuándo no usarlas)
Necesitas la herramienta adecuada para tu trabajo: las tablas simples te permiten crear columnas y filas, mostrar texto importante, añadir encabezados… Y eso es todo. Porque a veces, eso es todo cuanto necesitas.
Unleashing productivity with Notion's Slack integration
Make your team more efficient by connecting Slack with Notion. This integration helps you easily gather information, get instant updates, and simplify your workflow—all in one place. Here's everything you need to know to connect these powerful tools.
Solidifying documentation for your startup
Creating a system for both capturing and organizing all the documentation at your startup helps your team operate more efficiently. We’ll teach you how to use Notion for your team’s documentation to compound learning, save time, and move forward with clarity.
Three key databases for teams, and how to use them
Databases allow you to create and categorize your company’s information - from all hands meeting notes, to project briefs, tasks to do, and more. With databases for your meeting notes, docs, tasks, and projects, you can keep everything organized and easy to find in an instant.
Two note taking systems to make your engineering team more transparent & productive
A habit of documentation is a competitive advantage for engineering teams. In Notion, these two docs and meeting notes systems will help your eng team learn together and keep everyone in the loop — building your collective knowledge in real time.