Notion AI connector for Google Drive

hc: google drive logo
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Get answers from your Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides without having to leave Notion 📂

Note: While Notion AI connectors are available at no additional cost to existing Notion AI users on paid plans at this time, pricing is subject to change.

To connect Google Drive to Notion AI:

  • You must be a Google Drive admin and Notion workspace owner.

  • You must be on a paid Notion plan, and your workspace must have more than one member.

  • You must have the Notion AI add-on.

  • You must be on one of Google Workspace’s paid plans as listed here.

Note: The Notion AI connector for Google Drive supports Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

  1. In Notion, open Notion AI at the bottom of your screen and click on •••Connect Google DriveContinue. You can also go to SettingsConnectionsWorkspace and click Connect under Google Drive. You'll be taken to the Google Marketplace. Don't close Notion during the setup process!

  2. Click InstallAll users in their organization. We recommend this setting since groups that aren't selected won't be able to use the Notion AI connector feature in Notion for Google Drive, and files owned by them won't be available via Notion AI.

  3. Once the installation is complete, return to Notion. You'll see this on your screen.

    hc: confirm google drive connection

  4. Click Confirm connection.

The connection can take up to 36 hours to complete. You can manage the connection by opening Notion AI at the bottom of your screen and clicking on •••Connect Google DriveSettings.

If you've installed the Notion AI app in your Google Workspace but can't complete the setup in Notion, this may be due to the following:

  • You forgot to select yourself in Google Workspace while installing the app.

  • Your Google Workspace admin is a user who doesn't exist in Notion. If this is the case, you can try again by installing the app under a user who is both in your Google Workspace and Notion workspace.

Who can connect Google Drive to Notion AI?

To connect Google Drive to Notion AI:

  • You must be a Google Drive admin and Notion workspace owner.

  • You must be on a paid Notion plan, and your workspace must have more than one member.

  • You must be on one of Google Workspace’s paid plans as listed here.

What does Notion AI have access to?

Notion AI will only have access to a file if both conditions are satisfied:

  • The file is owned by a user that was selected in the user group or organizational unit in the Google Workspace. If the file is owned by a shared drive, the user selected in the user group must be either a contributor, manager, or content manager.

  • The shared drive is selected in Notion AI (this is true by default). If you select All users in their organization while you’re connecting Google Drive to Notion AI, all Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets in that drive will be ingested.

Can I limit what Notion AI has access to?

Yes, you can limit what Notion AI has access to by either selecting shared drives or user groups and organizational units.

  • Shared drives: In Notion, an admin will have the option to omit specific shared drives in Settings.

  • User groups and organizational units: For granular permissions, the admin has the option to select specific user groups or organizational units in the Google Admin Workspace. For any user groups or organizational units that are deselected, Notion will not ingest any files that are owned by this audience and this audience will not be able to use the feature in Notion.

Why can’t I see a certain Google Drive file?

It’s possible for a file to only be accessible if you have the direct link. If you’ve visited the file at least once before, you should be able to search that specific file.

I connected the wrong Notion workspace. How can I disconnect my Google Drive Workspace from my Notion workspace?

You can edit your connection by opening Notion AI at the bottom of your screen and clicking on •••Connect Google DriveSettings.

How do the permission settings work?

All permissions in a Google document will be respected for individual users and general access types listed below:

  • Restricted: Only users who have been directly added to the document will have access

  • {Company Name}: Anyone in the company can access the document as long as any user in the workspace has visited the page. In the document, the access level should be set to Can find in search results and not Must have link to access, which is the default setting.

  • Anyone with link: Anyone in the company can access the document if they have visited the document at least once.

Note: Target audiences are not supported (for example, 20 individual users added to a target audience named Sales team). Even if a file has been shared with a target audience, it’ll only be searchable for people who have access to the file directly or via a group.

How long does it take for the integration to complete?

Upon initial connection, it will take the integration approximately 36 hours to sync. Once the integration syncs, you can expect real-time updates to your Google Drive to be reflected in Notion AI on an ongoing basis.

How long does it take for new content to appear?

New content added to Google documents will update every hour and will be available in searches then in Notion AI.

Will all future content or shared/user drives be available?

Yes. Anytime your organization sets up up a new shared or user-level drive, it will be synced to Notion AI. You can edit this option in your settings.

Can I edit the connection after set up?

You can edit your connection by opening Notion AI at the bottom of your screen and clicking on •••Connect Google DriveSettings.

Can I add connect multiple Notion workspaces to my Google Workspace?

Not at this time. The workspace admin will only be able to connect one Notion workspace to one Google Workspace.

Does Notion AI respect Google Drive permissions?

Absolutely. Notion AI will honor existing permissions according to our existing Notion AI Security Practices. Users will not be able to generate content or receive responses based on resources they do not have access to. Specific to third party content, Notion AI is handling both private and public content with security in mind, only ingesting content according to the permissions mapping between Google Drive and Notion users.

How do shared drives work?

To connect a shared drive to Notion AI:

  • The drive must live inside your Google Workspace.

  • Shared drives must be included during initial setup.

  • At least one owner of the shared driver must be selected among the users and groups.

  • At least one user selected in the user groups must be a contributor, content manager, or manager for the shared drive.

We will respect the permission settings of the drive (if the shared drive was directly shared with you) or the file (if the file has been shared directly with you or with a group that you are a part of).

How does Notion store or reference my Google Drive data in its systems?

Similar to our core Notion AI product, we store create and store embeddings in a vector database hosted by Turbopuffer, which powers the ability to provide responses to questions that leverage third party content (like in Google Drive). Turbopuffer has been vetted by our security team as well as an external auditor to obtain their SOC2 Type II certification. Learn more about Turbopuffer’s security here →

Which account should I use to initiate the connection for Google Drive in Notion?

Whichever account is used to initiate connection will be stored in the Notion system as a customer admin email, and we will use this admin email for future updates, so it's important for customers to provide an email that won't change in terms of permissions or active status so that service isn't impacted when, for example, an admin leaves the company. You can use any service email that has admin privileges to your Google Workspace and will remain the same, like [email protected].

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