Sharing & permissionsNotion is built for collaboration, so there are many ways to share your work with other people. Our permission levels ensure that your collaborators access your content exactly the way you want them to 📣
Manage members & guestsIt's easy to work with others in Notion. Add members to collaborate with you in your workspace, or invite guests to view, comment on, or edit specific pages 💌
Collaborate in a workspaceThere's no limit on the number of people who can view and edit the same page or database at the same time. Your team can collaborate on shared content no matter where they are, what time it is, or what device they're using 💼
Inbox & page notificationsYour inbox and notifications help you stay on top of work that needs your attention, and changes made to the pages and projects you care about. The more people you collaborate with in your workspace, the more helpful these features become 🔔
Suggested editsCollaborate with others by suggesting edits to content that you’re working on together 📝
Page analyticsGain insight into how your content is performing by tracking page popularity and views 📜
Intro to teamspacesTeamspaces streamline access to information, creating a dedicated area for every team which can be customized to suit their way of working. This article walks you through the ins & outs of the feature 🐾
Create & manage groupsGroups in Notion allow you to bring people together and collaborate more easily 💼