
Build a journal in Notion

Whether you're an avid journalist, or making journaling a new habit, you can store your entries in Notion! We'll show you two ways to build a journal in Notion, one for beginners, and one more advanced.

影片長度 6 分鐘

  • With the help of Notion, you can make journaling part of your life.

    • Start by creating a database for all your journal entries.

    • Then, neatly store all of your entries together for future reading and review.

    • You can add text, images, or even videos inside your journal pages.

    • Plus, add any properties you want, like tags and dates.

    • You can filter and sort your entries as you please. For the latter, you may sort your content from most recent to oldest.

  • Inside your pages, you can drag and drop any content until you like what you see. And you can always change your mind later if you want to use a regular page instead of a database.





