Publish Notion pages to the web

Turn any Notion page into a published website in just two clicks - really! It comes in handy more often than you'd think. Use it for your resume, blog, company handbook, and more.

소요 시간: 4분

  • Notion allows any page to be turned into a public website in a few clicks.

  • This feature is useful for sharing a variety of content such as employee handbooks, resumes, knowledge bases, recipes, business websites, or travel blogs.

  • Published webpages can be edited in real-time if the Allow editing toggle is turned on.

  • The Link expires option allows users to set an expiration date for the URL.

  • Turning search engine indexing on allows your page to be indexed by search engines like Google.

  • The Allow duplicate as template option lets anyone copy your page into their own Notion workspace.

  • The Share tab allows users to decide how the page can be shared with people within the Notion workspace.

  • You can unpublish your page at any time from the Publish tab.

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