Build a journal in Notion
Whether you're an avid journalist, or making journaling a new habit, you can store your entries in Notion! We'll show you two ways to build a journal in Notion, one for beginners, and one more advanced.

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With the help of Notion, you can make journaling part of your life.
Start by creating a database for all your journal entries.
Then, neatly store all of your entries together for future reading and review.
You can add text, images, or even videos inside your journal pages.
Plus, add any properties you want, like tags and dates.
You can filter and sort your entries as you please. For the latter, you may sort your content from most recent to oldest.
Inside your pages, you can drag and drop any content until you like what you see. And you can always change your mind later if you want to use a regular page instead of a database.
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