Notion 2.33: Automate workflows
Automate workflows in a database
Automatically set status, assign a task, and more.
Freeze database columns
Freeze columns while you scroll. Available in table view.
Formulas 2.0
It’s easier to write formulas, use functions, and get formatted outputs.

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Use AI to translate any property in your database
Translate database content into your teammates’ native language.
Little fixes = big improvements
✨ If you so desire, you can now use the Notion logo as an icon in your page
✨ The three-dot menu of a code block now has an option to
Format code
🛷 Evernote & Trello importers have been upgraded and can handle more data
🛷 The new Universal import works for any ZIP file that contains text, Markdown, CSV, HTML, and other files
🕛 You can now set your timezone to default to your location or change it manually by going to
Settings and members
→My settings
🕛 Use dynamic references like @me, @today, and @now in people or date properties within a database template
👇🏾 While setting up a button you can now choose a database template as the default page that gets created
👇🏾 For Board and Gallery views, there is now a “Wrap all properties” option when configuring the layout