Notion in German
Notion is now available in German (beta)
Following our French language launch earlier this year, we're excited to expand our support for our European users—from today, Notion is available in German (beta).

After changing your language to German, click
at the bottom of your left-hand sidebar to find German templatesGo to to find translated guides & tutorials

To change your language settings on your desktop, go to Settings and Members, then select German under Languages and regions.
Mobile and desktop apps will be released in batches; please wait until your app reflects the latest version. If your phone language is set to German, the Notion app will automatically change to German when available.
Bug fixes and improvements
The teamspace settings menus have been redesigned to be more intuitive and easy to use
When adding people to a teamspace, you can now add people who aren't a workspace member yet — adding them to the teamspace and the workspace
The Enterprise Plan in Korea is now called 엔터프라이즈 요금제 instead of 기업 요금제. No other changes to price or functionality.