Skill Acquisition Matrix

This is the closest thing I could make to a real life skill tree scoreboard. This pair of inline databases lets you tangibly track hours spent on real skills with a rubric for reference at the top, and an example of a variety of skills to match.
About this template

Skills in video games were one of the reasons I was addicted to them for so long. I invested thousands of hours building up my in-game characters, leaving those games with stories and lessons I could reflect back on, but no tangible experience I could apply in the real world. What helped me pull away from the screen was finding a way to see these same skills reflected in my personal character in real life. I've learned through my own experience in my profession that it's possible, through enough repetition, to excel at a skill you're focused on. So, I applied it to as many skills I could think of, and tracked them retroactively. The table gave me an immediate answer in what I invested my life doing up until then. I didn't like what I saw, so I got to work. I added skills I wanted to learn and master and started investing time into what mattered and would help me succeed in making money, acquiring and managing a successful and loving relationship, and learning how to live with myself, to be at peace inside, proud that although inexperienced, I'm building relentless hands that are ripping time back from the past 8 years I've wasted doing nothing. This is the result.

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