Scouting Dashboard

About this template
Athlete Information Section:
This table notes the athletes general information as well as contact information. This section specifies the athletes: Name, Position, Date of Birth, Current Team, Email, Phone Number, and Link to Stats Page. Also included is whom this athlete was scouted by, date of evaluation, pipeline, and overall rating. This section also includes a pipeline page which organizes the players into what stage of the scouting process they are at (ex. Contacted Us, Scheduled Evaluation, Invited to Practice, etc.). The table can be sorted into a position specific category as well as a general category.
Athlete Statistics Section:
This table notes the athletes general body statistics as well as there performance statistics. Included in this section is: Height, Weight, Goals, Assists, Save % (goalies), GP (games played), Vertical, Bench Squat, and 40m dash. Similarly the tables can be sorted into a position specific category as well as a general category.
Coaches Information Section:
This table notes the coaches information as well as the athletes they are related to. Included in this section is the coaches: Name, Email, Phone Number, Team, and League. Along with that there is also a section showing all the athletes who are related to this coach.
Upcoming Events Section:
This section includes a calendar in which you can list potential events where you might want to scout potential prospects. Under each event you can list the: Date of Event, League, Location, and Athletes Attending. If your notion account is liked to your google account as well as the email you phone's calendar is under, all events created in this date base will be synced across all calendars.
Other Features:
Along with all the other features listed above there is also a section for embedding your contract so it can be easily found and sent out at a moments notice, as well as a list for how many people from each position does your team need.