Roadmap Priority Matrix

A Roadmap Priority Matrix is a productivity tool that helps you categorize your features and roadmap items based on their Value, Effort, Confidence level, and Risk Level.
About this template

The matrix is divided into four quadrants as follows:

Build Now: Items in this quadrant are the best to start with. They should be the first priority and completed as soon as possible.

Test Further / Split: Items in this quadrant are either to big and need to be broken down, or lack the necessary confidence level to build them right away, therefore requiring more testing and validation with customers.

Parking: Items in this quadrant are in the gray zone. They might have too high of a risk factor or too low of a confidence level.

Kill: Items in this quadrant should not be built as they lack in all of the areas.

The Notion template for a Roadmap Priority Matrix provides a digital space to list and categorize Roadmap Items. This is a great tool for Product Managers and Product Development teams that will improve and streamline your Roadmap Planning Process!

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