
This template is implemented using Kakeibo method, one of the best ways to manage your money. Even this is one of the traditional ways to manage money, it is still relevant until today. Moreover, this method is really easy to follow.
About this template

Kakeibo method is one of the traditional ways to manage money. This was really useful when Japan faced war in 20th century by housewifes there. We are invited to be aware of what we have and what we want to achieve and focus on that.
Kakeibo can be followed by only 4 steps.
1. You have to be aware of how much money you have, e.g. USD 5000 per month
2. Set how much money you want to save, e.g. USD 1000 per month
3. Now budget all the rest of money to your needs. There are 4 categories in Kakeibo.
- Survival: all the basic needs, e.g. food, rent, electricity bills, internet bills, etc. Let's set to USD 2000 per month
- Optional: all you want, but not in survival, e.g. Netflix and Spotify subscription. Let's set to USD 500 per month
- Culture: things that can increase your value, e.g. cooking course. Let's set to USD 500 per month
- Extra: just in case, something urgent happened, e.g. medical bills. Let's set to USD 1000 per month
4. Evaluate your expenses, focus on your goal to make more your savings and investments. For example, you can punish yourself to make USD 10 to your saving for each hour you spent more on social media if you already spent 1 hour a day.

Please contact me if you need assistance and I hope it is worth it! :)

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