Christmas Wishlist & Gift Tracker

This Notion template simplifies Christmas gift planning. It includes a wishlist, gift tracker, gift request form, and category organization, helping you manage your gifts efficiently.
About this template

This comprehensive Notion template streamlines the often-chaotic process of Christmas gift-giving. It's designed to manage both your personal wishlist and gifts you're purchasing for others. The template is broken down into four key sections:

Gift Categories: A centralized location to categorize your gifts, making searching and filtering easier across the entire template. Create categories relevant to your needs, such as "Electronics," "Clothing," "Experiences," "Books," etc.

Wishlist Database: This is where you detail your desired gifts. For each item, you can add the name, category, link to the product online, estimated price, priority level (high, medium, low), and any special notes. A checkbox lets you mark items as purchased.

Gift Tracker Database: This section is crucial for keeping track of gifts you're buying for others. Include details like the recipient's name, gift idea, purchase status (checkbox), price, where you bought it, whether it's wrapped, or delivered. This keeps everything organized and prevents accidental double-buying or forgotten gifts.

Gift Request Form: This form allows friends and family to easily submit gift suggestions for you. It is linked to your wishlist database, ensuring suggestions are conveniently added to your list for consideration. Include fields for the giver's name, their gift suggestion, a link to the item, and any additional comments.

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