Jira Product Discovery

This Dashboard is based on the Jira Product Discovery Template. If you are familiar with Jira, this template is perfect for you, because it brings the Jira template to a Notion dashboard. Collect ideas, calculate the Impact vs Effort, vote the features, follow the product Roadmap
Über diese Vorlage

This template is based on the Jira Product Discovery template. So if you are familiar with Jira, and want to build a similar template in Notion, this is the perfect one. The template consists of three databases: Ideas, Tickets, and Team. It will follow each step, from collecting ideas, the chart of impact score per goal, the formula of a weighted impact score vs effort, and voting on the features.
After the team votes on the feature, this dashboard shows the product roadmap and timeline.
Different views will transform this journey into a full Product Roadmap according to Agile methodology.


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