Ultimate Generative AI for Sales Bundle

The Ultimate Generative AI for Sales Bundle with Notion Templates and 23,000+ Prompts
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I’m excited to share my story and the secret to my success, which has already brought in over $1,586.29 in revenue in about 3 months (not bad to me as a side hustle).

Here are some stats I do want to share and celebrate:

The conversion rate till now is about 51%

The growth rate is about 40% every month

My journey began only in August 2023 (it is 4 Nov 2023 today), and I was determined to become a successful solopreneur. Also check out this post where I share my journey of transitioning from a multi-business owner to adding solopreneur to my ‘resume’, and how I found my passion in creating Notion templates to support fellow solopreneurs, freelancers, and entrepreneurs.

The path was challenging, but the revenue growth I’ve experienced over these past few months is undeniable. The key to my success? It’s a combination of learning, guidance, and, most importantly, leveraging the power of generative AI.

Now you can download everything I used.


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