Skincare Cheklist

This Notion dashboard will help you organize, track, and elevate your skincare game, ensuring you stay consistent with your routines and achieve glowing, healthy skin.
템플릿 설명

Morning Routine Tracker: Plan and track your daily AM routine, from cleansing to sunscreen, ensuring your skin stays protected and hydrated throughout the day.
Night Routine Tracker: Keep your nighttime routine organized with steps from cleansing and toning to treatments and masks, helping your skin repair and rejuvenate while you rest.
Reset Feature: A weekly or monthly reset section to refresh your skincare steps, check for expired products, and adjust routines based on your skin’s changing needs.
Product List: Organize and track your favorite skincare products, including cleansers, serums, moisturizers, and treatments, so you never miss a step or run out of essentials.

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