Wishlist & Purchases

The Wishlist & Purchases Template is your ultimate organizational tool designed to simplify and manage your shopping experience. Now you can easily track your purchases. Whether you're planning your next big purchase or simply ensuring you don't forget to buy your essential every
템플릿 설명

➜ Be more organized with your purchases and keep track of items you need to purchase.
➜ Prioritize essential over non-essential items based on importance.
➜ Prevent overlooking items and track the status of each item on your list, whether it's been purchased, on your wishlist, or needs to be bought.

➜ To assist you in getting started with this template, I've included an instruction page. check the instruction page at the top of the template!
➜ To download the template, open the template link, then click on "Duplicate" located at the top right corner to duplicate it into your workspace.

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