Startup Agile Board – Unpaid Version

Stay Organized, Stay Lean: a fundamental Agile Board tailored for Small Startup Teams
템플릿 설명

🚀 Help your Startup grow faster!

This Agile Board template is a fundamental way to help your team manage projects effectively with minimum overhead.

Key Features:
🔥 Assign a priority that will define your work
🤌 Categories for your Activities: Story, Task, Bug
✅ Cluster the Tasks with labels

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이 템플릿 공유
마지막 업데이트 8일 전

평가와 사용자 리뷰

A quick Agile board
A neatly crafted, simple, yet effective Agile board for a quick start. Good Job.

VSG · 2025년 1월 27일

What's needed and nothing more.
Slick and efficient, exactly whats needed for recording and sharing my meeting notes in and after a meeting.

Michael Pushée · 2024년 12월 10일

Giorgio Bertolotti 님의 템플릿 더 보기

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