Startup Agile Board

Stay Organized, Stay Lean: an Agile Board tailored for Small Startup Teams
템플릿 설명

🚀 Help your Startup grow faster!

This Agile Board template is built to help your team manage projects effectively with minimum overhead.

Perfect for small teams, it offers a flexible structure that includes a Kanban for the current sprint and a Backlog where you can put all the "tomorrow-tasks".

Key Features:
🔥 Automatically Prioritize your Workflow with the Impact Effort Matrix
🤌 Categories for your Activities: Story, Task, Bug
✅ Cluster the Tasks with labels
🔀 Manage Dependency between Activities

From brainstorming to staging and production, this board provides everything needed to keep workflows simple, organized, and adaptable for fast-moving startup environments.

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마지막 업데이트 8일 전

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