Habit Tracker 2025

A Notion habit tracker for 2025, pre-populated with dates, featuring a simple interface, customisation options, and a statistics page with visual progress charts.
템플릿 설명

Stay on top of your habits with this Notion habit tracker pre-populated with all dates for 2025.

Designed for simplicity and functionality, it provides quick access to your habits for today, as well as views for the week, month, and year.
Easily customisable, the tracker includes comprehensive instructions to adjust the number of habits you track to fit your needs. Additionally, it features a statistics page with visual charts to track your progress weekly, monthly, and yearly, helping you stay motivated and on track with your goals.

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평가와 사용자 리뷰

best template for habit tracker
this template is super, minimalistic and intuitive

Narasimha Prasad · 2025년 2월 5일

Productive in 2025
This awesome, simple make it perfect! No distraction

lukmanul khakim · 2025년 1월 29일

thank you so much
amazing template feeling so productive after using this

saad hassan · 2025년 1월 26일

The database is so versatile and the design is so simple. its easy to track and replicate for many other habit tracking like work out etc!! Kudos!

Seetha · 2025년 1월 18일

Great :D
Este modelo é incrível, didático e de fácil manipulação.

Gabriela · 2025년 1월 17일

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