Recipe Book

A beautifully organized simple recipe book template to save, categorize, and manage your favorite recipes. Perfect for home cooks and food enthusiasts who want a go-to space for storing recipes by type, preparation time, and more.
템플릿 설명

Recipe Book is your personal cooking book, designed for food lovers who enjoy keeping their recipes organized and accessible. With categories for cuisine types, cooking time, difficulty levels, and external links, you can effortlessly browse and plan your meals.

Some key features it supports:

- Adding photos
- Defining cuisine type, cooking time, difficulty, and link
- Adding a rating to dishes so you can visit your favorites later!

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평가와 사용자 리뷰

Super !
J'aime beaucoup et très pratique. De plus, ce template est facile d'usage

ILY BABY · 2025년 2월 9일

Just the think I was thinking for months. Thank you!!

Luis Agra · 2025년 2월 5일

Este recetario de cocina me encanto, tiene todo lo que necesito en un solo lugar!

Adair Duarte · 2025년 1월 31일

My Review :)
Very useful to finally put all my recepies in one place!

Magda Cobo · 2025년 1월 30일

Recipe Template
template is great and super easy to use. Thank you !

Paige Ridley · 2025년 1월 15일

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