Book Tracker

Keep track of what you read
템플릿 설명

Improve your read habit with this template. Keep track of what you read and stay motivated!
Set the goal of the number of books you what to read in the year, see the total books readed, make a wish list and categorize them by genre.

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평가와 사용자 리뷰

This template is crazy! It left a huuuuuuge impression on me.

Abilkhaiyr · 2025년 1월 20일

Nice book tracker
An elegant, simple, and efficient book tracker for readers.

Maxwel Allan Ferreira · 2025년 1월 19일

nice template
This is my very first time using notion, i really like how easy it is to use this template, its practical and has every feature you would need to track your reading!

Elisa Visconti · 2025년 1월 2일

My review
this template is very simple to use and very complete

Kenny · 2024년 12월 29일

great template :)
This is an excellent template! Everything is well-structured and makes perfect sense. The flow is clear, and the content aligns seamlessly with its purpose. Thank you for sharing such a thoughtful and organized framework!

Fabrice · 2024년 12월 22일

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