ADHD Ultimate Life Planner

This template has been created for people with ADHD to help you track & manage all aspects of your life.
This template will help you organize your life the way you've always wanted to. The ADHD Life Planner Notion includes +100 pre-built tools & +300 pages.
템플릿 설명

📍Are you looking for an ADHD and comprehensive Notion template to handle all aspects of your life? You’ve just found the perfect template!

Created for people with ADHD, this template will help you organize your life the way you've always wanted to. The ADHD Life Planner Notion includes +100 pre-built tools & +300 pages. It's the only template you need to organise your life and achieve your goals.

The template is beginner-friendly and comes with +75 video tutorials. It's very easy to use and takes advantage of Notion's latest features.

Each part of the template is accompanied by aesthetic banners and specific colours to differentiate the different aspects of your life. This personal notion planner is ideal for all people who want to improve their productivity and their personal life.

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