Student Assistant

Student Assistant is a template where you can conveniently manage your student routine: assignments, exams, notes & resources, schedule, tuition tracking - all in one place.
템플릿 설명

Simplify and Centralize: Your Student Assistant
Streamline your student routine with ease for FREE

- Are you a student eager to find a space where you can comfortably build your successful workflow?

Look no further! These tools are designed to elevate your academic experience:
• Yearly Course Overview: Keep track of all your courses, organized by academic year
• Automatic Class Tracking & Schedule: Effortlessly monitor your active classes and manage your schedule
• Convenient Task and Exam Tracker: Stay on top of assignments and exams
• Personal Student Profile Section: Maintain a dedicated space for your personal academic information
• Tuition Tracker: Monitor your tuition expenses effortlessly
• Resource Repository and Subject Summaries: Access a storage space for resources and summaries for each subject
• List of professors: All information about your professors
• Quick Access Panels: Navigate swiftly with dedicated panels for instant access

Now with Notion Calendar Sync
Sync your schedule seamlessly with the official Notion Calendar for added convenience!

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평가와 사용자 리뷰

Its okay
It won't let you put more than one exam in for one subject, there is not back button out of certain subjects. Luckily it's free so it doesn't matter but I spent a lot of time putting all of my work in just for it to be kind of jank

Sophie Lloyd · 2025년 2월 6일

Me encanta
Esta muy completa y me ayuda a organizarme con la universidad

Mich Gon · 2025년 1월 22일

really good!
really good if you want to use it for a college planner & note taking

Cho1boii · 2025년 1월 9일

Good template
even tho its for college you can us it for grade school/high school

Asher Goode · 2025년 1월 6일

This template is amazing and is ease for me to plan my studies.

Pola · 2024년 12월 30일

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