My Diary

A diary where you can track your moods, activities and journal using pre-made prompts.
템플릿 설명

If you're anything like me, you've probably tried (and failed) finding a good diary app that doesn't have most of its features hidden behind a paywall. Well, those days are gone as this diary has all the features you need to have it as your diary for life! There are 5 views in this template: Day, Moods, Activities, Gallery and Calendar. I've also included a few templates with journaling prompts for you, you'll find them inside each new entry.

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평가와 사용자 리뷰

Bad things on the Internet are not saved to the record and can not be found back, historical records will not be retained, and things that are hard to edit are gone

例嬛 李 · 2025년 1월 12일

It's very good, useful. I am used to using it. Very nice. Thank you

LỘC THÁI HỒNG · 2024년 12월 20일

very good and simple
i mean it does the job...will use for now and might come back for a more long term review

Ramyar · 2024년 12월 16일

Good and helpful for documenting own life everyday :-)

Anonymous · 2024년 12월 2일

Rock Solid Diary Template
Very optimized and works great! I really enjoy the autofill templates.

Sam Sissom · 2024년 11월 20일

Omer Ash 님의 템플릿 더 보기

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