Monk Mode OS

Use the Monk Mode methodology to improve your life in 31 day Monk Mode cycles and use this lightweight and digital planning system to get the best results.

✓ Unlock productivity superpowers
✓ Achieve mental mastery and clarity
✓ Reach your goals by going into Monk Mode
템플릿 설명

Boost productivity, reduce stress and take your life to the next level with Monk Mode Navigator.

What's included?

✓ All-in-one Monk Mode Dashboard
Similar to a Second Brain, organize your entire life and self improvement journey from one place - then track each Monk Mode cycle and watch your progress as you grow.

✓ Unlimited cycles
Each Monk Mode cycle is designed to last for 31 days and you can create unlimited amounts of them making this a system that'll stay with you for a lifetime.

✓ Customizable cycles
Not only does each cycle let you set a start date and keep track of how long is left, but you can also customize each cycle in exactly the way you want to.

✓ Recurring non-negotiablesEach day your up to 10 customizable non-negotiables show up automatically and disappear when marked as done only to return the fresh and ready-to-use the next day again (no integrations or apps needed!)

✓ Track your non-negotiablesFor each cycle you can track your hit rate of how many non-negotiables you managed to stick to, to make sure you're always improving (the goal is a 100% hit-rate!)

✓ Time boxing and regular planning
With the click of a button, you can generate a whole week of planning space to either write your to-do, tasks or to time box every single hour of the day.

✓ Tasks, sticky pins and top goals
Keep everything in one place at the glance of an eye by customizing your own tasks, pins or goals for every cycle.

✓ Responsive, easy-to-use & beginner friendly
Monk Mode OS is built with simplicity and decluttering principles in mind to give you a breathable space to level up — no crazy Notion skills needed to get the full benefit from this.

Using the 3 I's System

Your 3 I's are the foundation of your Monk Mode practice and gives you a Second Brain-like setup that's built for you to customize and populate with infinite sub-pages with everything you need for Monk Mode.

✓ Isolation
Projects or other work-related stuff that you need to attend to or get done on the regular that usually requires isolation and dedicated focus.

✓ Introspection
Meditation, reflection, reading and other inwards-related things that you need to organize and practice regularly often resulting in greater introspection.

✓ Improvement
All the (often physical) things you want to improve like exercise, stretching or even fasting that require making the choice to improve.

Monk Mode OS gives you easily accessible links to quickly access all the pages from inside every Monk Mode cycle you do with as little clicks, fuzz and clutter as possible.

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