Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

À propos de ce modèle
At The Daily, we use our SOPs database to ensure consistent and efficient workflows. It helps in documenting step-by-step procedures and maintaining quality standards across various tasks or operations people have to complete.
Some key principles to make sure your use of this template is a success:
1. No SOP is too small to document. Things that may seem intuitive may not be for someone in the future.
2. An SOP can be too big in scope. We don’t want “Use WordPress” but we do want “Publish an article”
3. Make the name of the SOPs something that someone in the future would search for
4. Link between SOPs. If you realize one piece of content relates to another, use Notion's @ key to create a backlink!
5. Tag things, and create new tags. Eventually, we might organize this more. For now, let’s just try something rough.