This API documentation template is designed to provide a clear and structured overview of your API, making it easy for developers to understand and use. Here’s a breakdown of what’s included:
💠Request Limits
-> Rate Limits: Details on the average request rate (5 requests per second) and how to handle rate limit errors.
-> Size Limits: Maximum allowable sizes for request bodies, rich text, file uploads, and nested request depth.
💠Status Codes
-> Success Codes: Explanation of HTTP 200 OK for successful requests.
-> Error Codes: Information on common error responses, including HTTP 400 for invalid requests, HTTP 401 for authentication issues, HTTP 404 for
missing resources, and HTTP 429 for rate limit errors.
-> API Versions: How to specify the API version using the API-Version header. Example provided for including the version in requests.
-> User Object: Information on how user objects are used in API responses, including fields such as object, id, name, and email.
-> Post Object: Details on post objects, including fields like id, title, content, and created_at.
-> File Object: Metadata for file objects, including fields for type, url, and expiry_time.
This template ensures developers have all the necessary details for effective API integration and troubleshooting.