Keep your projects in one connected workspace and save time on branding, product, and web design.

How design management tools help projects succeed through organization
Too many design tools cluttering up your workflow? Notion can help. Our design management templates and tools let you create and manage design projects in the same place, including necessary materials like creative briefs and design team wikis.

Build your design hub in Notion in order to:
Improve communication between teammates
Gain transparency with high-level overviews of who’s working on what
Verify that projects are on track with timeline views, boards, and more
Keep feedback in the same place as design ideas

How to use Notion for design projects
Make a Notion workplace for you or your team.
Create a new page and insert a database with
, or start from a template.Add elements and tag them with custom properties.
Link out to related documents like vision boards and project charters.
Share the new page with relevant teammates.

One design management tool to rule them all
Centralize your feedback and work, establish a standardized process, and track project progress — all in Notion.
What are the five fundamentals of graphic design?
What are the five fundamentals of graphic design?
The five fundamentals of graphic design are:
Balance — create visual harmony
Contrast — emphasize the differences between elements
Repetition — repeat design elements to create consistency
Color — use color to create mood and convey meaning
Variety — diversify design elements to capture attention
What are the three pillars of design thinking?
What are the three pillars of design thinking?
The three pillars of design thinking are also known as the three Es:
Empathy — understanding the needs and perspective of your target audience
Expansive thinking — considering a broad range of design ideas and possibilities instead of fixating on the first solution
Experimentation — testing and refining ideas through prototyping and feedback
What are the seven types of graphic design?
What are the seven types of graphic design?
The seven types of graphic design products are:
Branding design
Marketing and advertising design
UI design
Publication design
Packaging design
Animation design
Environmental design