Simple Book Tracking System

Sobre este modelo
Over the past few months I have build my own Book Tracking System for everything I found useful for myself.
It includes:
a wish-list for all the books you want to read, which is connected to the main database, so when you finally get to read the book, it will disappear from the wish-list and automatically appear in the database
a integrated Overview-page, where you can see you current books and have access to quick links
a library database, where all the books you have read get stored in a fiction and non-fiction gallery
basic template for notes
There are already some examples in the template, you can easily switch them around in views, by changing the status property.
If I change the Book Tracking System in the future, I will update the template as well.
So if this sounds interesting, I would be delighted to offer you this opportunity for having a ultimate place for all your reading 😉