Customer stories
Explore real workflows that save companies time, eliminate old tools, and bring peace of mind.

All your docs, databases, tasks, and projects. Side by side — working together.

“If the most creative people spent a little less time on ideas and a little more on organizing the ideas they've already got, they would make more of an impact. And that's where Notion comes in.”
Scott Belsky
CPO of Adobe
CPO of Adobe

“Notion has been revolutionary for us. I've been doing this for 15 years and I've used a lot of different issue management tools and nothing's come close to this in terms of power.”
Chirag Patel
CTO, Apploi
CTO, Apploi

“Every day is a new canvas that we can structure however we want. We can always record information differently depending on what's most helpful.”
Alex Cornell
Co-founder, Cocoon
Co-founder, Cocoon

“The power of the flexibility is mind blowing. It transforms the way you work. You can create so many layers of knowledge that go as deep as you want.”
Marc Collado
Product Manager, Ironhack
Product Manager, Ironhack

“Notion saved our life given the complexity of what we're doing. There was so much replication and no single source of truth.”
Ben Malartic
Product Manager, Privateaser
Product Manager, Privateaser

“We can now keep everyone up to date across the whole team. It helps keep everyone at the right level of awareness and with our speed of execution.”
Justin Goff
Product Manager, Duolingo
Product Manager, Duolingo

“Notion is an organized information repository for my brain as I explore emerging technologies. It helps me catalog my research and clarify my thinking on an investment.”
Chase Roberts
Principal, Vertex Ventures
Principal, Vertex Ventures

“We had a serious wiki issue. No one place where everything lived, and it was a scattered mess. Notion became the wiki and knowledge center to rule them all.”
Kareem Shaya
Engineering Manager, Makespace
Engineering Manager, Makespace

“Notion is so good it makes a devilishly complex problem seem simple.”
Steve Huffman
Co-founder & CEO, Reddit
Co-founder & CEO, Reddit

“I think of Notion as the bones of our company knowledge. Google Docs doesn't provide that because it's not as easy to navigate all of the different things you have going on. Now it's our absolute source of knowledge and project management.”
Siqi Chen
CEO, Sandbox VR
CEO, Sandbox VR

“We're a distributed team so we can't do many meetings. Notion gives us all the same information so we can keep moving.”
Marie Schneegans
CEO, Workwell
CEO, Workwell

“You can tell the huge amount of effort that went into keeping Notion so simple. They understand that you can solve a lot of problems with one tool.”
Guillermo Rauch
CEO, Vercel
CEO, Vercel

“We use Notion across Sales, Marketing, Product, and Engineering. You can replace Google, Trello, Dropbox Paper, Guru, and Confluence all in one tool.”
Guy Marion
CEO, Brightback
CEO, Brightback